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An Invitation to a Bath

Let’s start from the beginning. The Abrahamic religions share the same cosmology that developed into Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. Our origin story involves a universe initially comprised of a mixture of waters. On the second day of creation they were separated with the sky above and water or the seas below. (Genesis 1:6) This contrast suggests a sophisticated and possibly dangerous way of thinking, which is the inability to recognize two sides of a coin might be different but it's still a coin, or in this case water. Kabbalist determined the separation created a potential for conflict, strife, and Hell to establish. (The Zohar: Pritzker Edition, Vol. 1 p. 127) Their proof is the divine phrase of approval, “it was good” was omitted on that day but was stated twice on the next. (Genesis 1:10,12) When differences are taken too far it can lead to malicious consequences. To mediate the possibility of opposing forces, and complete the work of the Water or Seas, the land mass called Earth was brought into being on the third day. This third element provided compositional beauty and further conceptual complexity to our cosmological landscape.

Water is essential for life. The belief we end up as dust happens constantly with our sloughed off body parts. The dirt, dead skin cells, and broken hair shafts we wash off would accumulate and over time break down into a small mound of powder. However, we are mostly water and we came from a water-world that began in chaos, darkness, and was a void without form. Drinking water is probably universally recognized as necessary to sustain life. In addition, it is a medium for cleansing, and in many spiritual practices it's used in rituals for spiritual initiations and purifications.

Immersions in water are well documented and mentioned biblically and cross-culturally as part of religious ceremonial practices. Some do not include cleansing the body. It is required prior to a woman entering a Jewish mickvah, which mandates a specifically sized pool to contain the rain water she immerses herself in. Meanwhile, a dip under holy water is sufficient for a baptism. Whether it’s only a dunk or a wash too, being immersed in water is a place were the inside and outside of us are almost identical. This is particularly true when you realize the "self" does not stop at the skin.

The Bible teaches about the importance of water in the creation of the Garden of Eden with its four rivers and the power of water through the story of The Flood. This devastating act was God's way to cleanse the defiled land, wipe out evil doers, and recreate a more spiritual beginning. Eventually the realization came this purging had gone too far, and a divine promise was made to never again destroy life in this way. The rainbow is the mark or symbol of this covenant. Notably, the bow breaks through rain clouds after a storm shower has passed and the sun shines bright once again. 

Let’s revisit the baptismal service, a well-known Christian immersion ritual for sacramental initiation into the faith. My introduction to it was while watching a film-noir movie. Performed in a church setting the priest used a small pool of “holy” water. In the secular societies of North America, my first personal ritual with water was as a child alone in our family bathroom. I imagined the only thing I owned was a towel and some soap. The bath was my private place to contemplate poverty and the horrors of Nazi Germany. I knew about their crimes against humanity at quite a young age. Distinct from those evil doers, the bath was also my sanctuary to dream about elegance.

I am reminded of the tarot card, The Universe or World. It is the last card in the deck and signifies completion of a matter and spiritual wholeness achieved by integrating your inner work with outer joy. It could be a successful ending to a long term endeavor, or finally coming to grips with a bad relationship and ready to move on. This card is often depicted with a naked hermaphrodite, a man/woman dances within a circle formed by a snake, or dances with the snake. It represents renewal, and the cyclical nature of life where the end can imply a beginning. When this card is pulled in a tarot reading, to me the nakedness insinuates a special bath or shower prior to the dance. I suggest my client invite themselves to a luxurious one. If they are so inclined there is a shmorgishborg of aromatherapy extracts, candles, and soaps available to enhance the experience. I encourage them to create a ceremony of there own making; use affirmations, say prayers, what ever. Once out of the tub it's time to dance. This symbolizes a way to recognize one's accomplishment or transformational decision. There are no rules. Perhaps, you're contented with only a towel, soap, and a bathtub full of water.

Traditionally the tarot card, Universe or World is numbered 21 or XXI in the suit of Trump, which are numbered from 0-21. However, I prefer its alignment with the Hebrew alphabet that goes from 1-22. To learn more go to the Street Smarts page on this website. This card aligns withTav, the final letter and it symbolizes a mark or in biblical times a seal that identifies someone. In modern terms it is also a recognizable label and brand created by a business. Let’s say you just left your mark on finishing a big job assignment, the final step is to cement a recognition of its completion into your soul. Often, I’ve left it up to others to compliment my endeavors and was pleasantly surprised by their response. Often, I am left disappointed. It’s similar to a wall-flower who waits and waits for someone to ask her to dance. Frankly, in the Musk-MAGA defined world empathy is synonymous with failure or weakness, and these folks might not have the emotional bandwidth for words of admiration, of course, unless it concerns Donald J. Trump.

This tarot card and Hebrew letter, Tav teaches us to acknowledge the conclusion of an achievement, or when you made a life-changing decision and ready to move on to newness. Don’t rely on others. Prepare to celebrate by taking a refreshing and ritualized bath or shower. Finally, dance to the tune of your own praises. You’ve done your best, so now it’s time to feel comfortable in your own skin, which is mostly full of water. Don’t worry about being egotistical. Who cares! In this moment relish in the image you are the center of your Universe.

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